This has easily been the busiest summer of my life. Between baby Oskar (he turns five months in two days!!), extensive partying with my family, and Relief Society responsibilities, I feel like I've accomplished nothing but never had a spare moment. I've heard this feeling intensifies as children get older and busier. Frightening.
The past two weeks or so I've tried to gather myself together a little and remind myself that the summer will end and homeschooling will not. It was time to formulate some plans, buy some materials, put together some units. I felt bone dry, creatively speaking.
Then I looked through my blog. I CAN create fun activities. I am a professional teacher and a veteran homeschool mama (does 5 years make you a veteran? I say yes). I just forgot for awhile that school can and should be the best part of my day.
Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration. And sleep. I'm going to bed now and when I wake up tomorrow I am going to whip me up a little unit fantasticalness.
Medieval History and Life Science here we come!!!! (Any ideas would be appreciated.) :)